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Every year, International Self Care Day is celebrated on July 24. The date has a specific month and date form that looks like 7/24 – denoting that self-care should be performed 24 hours a day, seven days of the week.

International Self Care Day is a perfect time to begin and establish a self-care routine. Seniors who do will experience significant long-term benefits. Not only will seniors have positive health outcomes like lowered stress and anxiety but their overall quality of life will increase.

Here are self-care ideas seniors can incorporate into their everyday routine:

  1. Stay Hydrated

Seniors are vulnerable to becoming dehydrated due to body composition, decreased kidney function, and simply having less water in their bodies than they’re used to. The general rule of thumb is drink eight glasses of water per day.

  1. Eat nutritious food

Seniors need good nutrition to stay active and independent. A healthy diet not only gives seniors energy to tackle their daily to-do list but it can also lower risk for chronic health problems. The most nutritious foods for seniors to add to their diet include cruciferous vegetables, blueberries, nuts and seeds, eggs, salmon, plain Greek yogurt, and avocados.

  1. Socialize

Seniors who spend time around others experience significant physical and mental health benefits. A study from the American Psychology Association found that “maintaining interpersonal connections and creating a new routine socially is beneficial, especially for those who live alone.”

  1. Exercise

Seniors who incorporate physical activity into their daily routine find it elevates their overall mood, keeps their mind sharp, and allows the body to stay healthy. There are many ways to stay active both indoors and outdoors. Just pick a favorite and do it regularly.

  1. Get plenty of sleep

Seniors who regularly get a good night’s sleep report improved cognitive function, improved memory, and better mental health. Good sleep also lowers risk for falls and has been shown to improve overall immune functioning and reduce risk of hospitalization in older adults. Establishing good sleep habits such as maintaining a regular bedtime and wake up time, keeping your sleep environment cool, dark and quiet, diming or turning off lights two hours prior to bed, and removing electronics and devices from your room will help senior get the 7-8 hours sleep needed every night.

  1. Practice mindfulness

Harness the power of mindfulness through breathing exercises, meditation, or by simply connecting with your inner self each day.

Links to more information on self-care:

Healthy Meal Planning: Tips for Older Adults | National Institute on Aging (

Sleep and aging: Sleep tips for older adults (

How Older Adults Can Get Started with Exercise | National Institute on Aging (

The Mental Health Benefits of Socializing for Seniors | Senior Lifestyle

What are the benefits of mindfulness? (

Link between hydration and aging | National Institutes of Health (NIH)