As the holidays arrive and you start to plan your holiday feasts, it is important to remember that many families struggle to get enough food to eat. In Contra Costa County, approximately one in six people is food insecure. More than fifty percent of adults living in low-income households in the County don’t have enough food. This means that one in six county residents has a hard time finding their next meal and does not have access to healthy nutritious food that they can afford.
Food insecurity harms our community because not having enough nutritious food negatively impacts a person’s ability to remain healthy and be successful in work and school. For those who don’t have enough food to eat, Contra Costa County has a number of programs to help you.
Senior Nutrition Program
The Senior Nutrition Program provides nutritious meals to Contra Costa County residents age 60 and up. The meals are served daily at locations around the county. For those who are homebound, Meals on Wheels will deliver a meal directly to your home. For more information about the Senior Nutrition Program, call (925) 313-6310.
Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels brings meals to seniors who cannot drive, who are homebound, who cannot prepare their own food, and who do not have a caregiver who is paid to prepare food. Eligibility for this program is based on need. There are no income eligibility requirements and a person can be eligible regardless of income. Meals on Wheels delivers food to participants’ homes Monday through Friday. Click here for a list of phone numbers to call to learn more about Meals on Wheels programs in Contra Costa County.
Senior Food Program
The Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano has a Senior Food Program. Under this program, low-income seniors who are age 55 and older can receive free groceries twice a month. There are eligibility requirements for this program. Click here to learn more about the food bank and their programs.
CC Cafés
CC Cafés are operated around the county to provide nutritious meals to adults age 60 and older. These meals are free. Many senior centers and other community centers host a CC Café. Reservations are required for café goers. Click here to view café locations around the county and obtain contact information for each café location.
Other Resources
211: if you are hungry and need food now, call 211 or click here to learn about where you can get food and to learn how to apply for CalFresh. CalFresh is California’s food program.
Click here to learn more about other food assistance programs.